14/03/2011 @18:49:06 ^19:17:49
Doom stuff
What little I've done recently included
a few bits for freedoom, making patches out of maps etc. I fixed an ancient bug that had the wrong sky textures for the Doom 1 episodes, which I thought would be harder to fix than it actually was.
tested a really enormous map for CC4 (nearly 3 hours game time at first exit)
two small E1-style techbase maps from ages ago
X-mas E1 Map This is great, just the right monster density to run at it and blast through, also has a cute trick that lets you exit it in under 10 seconds. I actually did some demos for it, they're on the DSDA.
Chris's Hangar Pretty good, linear though, you just work your way around the base that surrounds a landing pad. The secret needs wall-humping but it's pretty obvious whereabouts to start.
I missed another "mini" epoch but it couldn't be helped as I was asleep. At least I was aware that it was going to happen this time.