26/03/2005-27/03/2005 @00:00:57 ^07:04:44


This is all pretty much out of a chatlog book and I want to preserve it for humour posterity

the ten forms of twisted thinking

  1. All or nothing "You see things in black and white categories. If a situation falls short of perfect, you see it as a total failure"
  2. Overgeneralisation "You see a single negative event, such as a romantic rejection or a career reversal, as a never-ending pattern of defeat by using words such as always or never when you think about it."
  3. Mental filter "You pick out a single negative detail and dwell on it exclusively, so that your vision of all reality becomes darkened. For example you receive many positive comments about your presentation at work but one says something mildly critical. You obsess about his reaction for days and ignore all the positive feedback"
  4. Discounting the positive "You reject positive experiences by insisting they don't count. If you do a good job you may tell yourself that it wasn't good enough or that anyone could have done as well."
  5. Jumping to conclusions "You interpret things negatively when there are no facts to support your conclusion. e.g. (mind-reading) without checking it out, you arbitrarily conclude that someone is reacting negatively to you. e.g. (fortune-telling) you predict that things will turn out badly. Before a test you may tell yourself that you're really going to blow it and what if you flunk? If you're depressed you may tell yourself you'll never get better."
  6. Magnification "You exaggerate the importance of your problems and shortcomings, or you minimise the importance of your desirable qualities."
  7. Emotional reasoning "You assume that your negative emotions necessarily reflect the way things really are. e.g. you feel terrified about going on an aeroplane, so you think it must be dangerous to fly. Or, you feel inferior, therefore you must be a second-rate person.
  8. Should statements "You tell yourself that things should be the way you hoped or expected them to be. e.g. a gifted pianist, after playing a difficult piece, told herself that she shouldn't have made so many mistakes and gave up practising for days. Musts, oughts and have tos are similar offenders"
  9. Labelling "Labelling is an extreme form of all or nothing thinking. Instead of saying `I made a mistake' you attach a negative label to yourself: ``I am a loser''. You might also label yourself a fool or failure or jerk. Labelling is quite irrational because you are not the same as what you do. Human beings exist, but fools, losers, and jerks do not.
  10. Personalisation and blame "Personalization occurs when you hold yourself personally responsible for an event that isn't entirely under your control. When a woman received a note that her child was having difficulties at school, she told herself it showed what a bad mother she was, instead of trying to pinpoint the problem so that she could be helpful to her child. Some people do the opposite. They blame other people or their circumstances for their problems, and they overlook ways that they might be contributing to the problem."

symptoms of social anxiety

Brad Goodman quotes

Read this Episode 1F05: Bart's Inner Child

