07/08/2004-08/08/2004 @00:55:49 ^01:49:07
jetsetting ponce, fat podgy vagrant, crazed druggie, bearded faggot
inclusion of "miserable drop-out" was "debatable"
castle.swf We wasted a few hours playing this the other day. Here are my tips
- Like Elite it's bloody slow to start and you don't get enough points to buy anything useful until about stage 7
- In fact don't buy anything until you can afford both a temple and an archery range and have money left over (not enough left means all your trained converts will die at the end of the stage)
- Don't buy a demolition lab, they're useless and waste converts
- Get a mana lake as fast as possible and get as many wizards as you can. Enough wizards means instant conversions which you can use for anything.
- Carpenters are useful but you don't need more than a few.
- If you fortify your walls up to about 10000 you don't have to worry too much about damage. Apart from enemy suicide bombers (who are black. I think this is hilarious, but I'm awful)
- Once you get about 100 archers it's very difficult to lose. But don't accumulate lots of archers until you have lots of wizards.
- By stage 20 or 25 it gets boring but it doesn't end so you can consider it won at that point.
- It takes a while though, we were playing it for a good few hours.
It has come to my attention that some idiots have misinterpreted my last post as an admission that I am scared of spiders. This is broadly not the case. However there can be included amongst the things I am scared of the following:
- Sudden appearances of any sort of insect coming towards me in a position from which I feel I can't get away from, such as a spider running across my bed when I'm in it or jumping out of a hat I am holding. This is not so bad as bees and wasps and other flying monstrosities coming right for you, though. I don't keep a can of flykiller in the same way that a cowboy keeps his six-shooter for nothing.
- Situations I am not able to deal with, such as finding heavily pregnant spider's nests in the middle of the night.
There is a subtle but irreconcilable difference, in the same way that there is such between not regretting something wonderful happening but regretting that it ended.
ntl customers finally got that promised speed increase; but I still say I'd prefer more upstream than more downstream. I think there must be fewer people on the 150K(300K) service and the 1M(1.5M) service than the 600K(750K) service as they got bigger increases.
Oh who cares. I still think people who shift more bandwidth above a certain limit should pay more though. Why should I pay a higher flat rate, so you can download more porn? And why do all the yank faggots pay so little for their internet? Fuck this country.