06/12/2003 @23:22:01 ^00:25:14
Hahaha I've got all my Christmas presents
well except for my dad but he's fucking impossible to buy for
it's great to be able to afford decent shit for people for once
Content! Actual content!
Usually when I update it's just WORDS WORDS WORDS SO MANY FUCKING WORDS
not today though! I actually have stuff for you to click on!
- Blastem2 Demos
After banging on about it since April it's about fucking time I actually got the shit out thereTHE BLASTEM2 DEMOS ARE OUT AT LAST
- UV max demo (95% kills, 100% items and secrets) in 9'18"
- UV speed demo (23% kills and items, 100% secrets) in 2'38"
- A really way too fucking long text file (TLDR IS NEVER FAR hahaha I just made that up) full of self indulgent crap I nevertheless felt was necessary for the sake of completeness
- Spark's MAP01 was reuploaded as a zip, the files inside it having been renamed. Otherwise it's identical so don't download it again.
- *COMEDY BONUS ITEM* My Writing Skills poster (gzipped postscript, should open in GV) My struggle and perpetual anger with Writing Skills is well documented, but one part I don't talk about much was doing the poster. This is because admitting I actually found it enjoyable to do undermines my argument that the whole thing was shit and should be banned, hahaha
- I was supposed to make a poster explaining carbon dating aimed at 14-year-old students. Therefore I got to ease up on the science and make large stupid pictures with retarded captions instead. I found this hilarious. Hypergrinning stick men and scientific equipment resembling a microwave oven crossed with an oversized novelty clock says nothing about its sheer morbid humour.
- I was able to employ unorthodox methods to make the thing; I could make the pictures in !Draw on RISC OS and print them to a postscript printer driver configured to print to a file. I could then take the file onto campus and send it unmodified to the postscript printer drivers. The fact that it worked very smoothly and with minimal printer credit usage (and thus cost) made me very pleased.
- I was also able to use !Draw to collect together all the pieces of this poster into one big file and lay them out, so I could know beforehand where to glue them onto the big piece of lurid bedroom green card. Inspired by a recent thread about making posters and other useless college assignments on SA I decided to try and print the layout file to postscript like I'd done with the pieces; I hadn't done it before because it meant screwing around with the paper sizes and all sorts of jiggery that I'd not been bothered with. This is what I present you with today.