04/06/2003 @15:12:17 ^19:09:24
Oh man, where do I start... It's too much, I'm telling you. I believe the use of the above phrase was justified.
Instead here's some items about
various other people's websites
(and of course snafu as ever)
- Julie's moved her site into the internet equivalent of across the hall from here. Welcome to Triv. Just don't ask to see the web server access logs or use one of the database servers or anything else that needs root to set it up lolololol
- When updating her link I took the opportunity to remove a couple of sites that as far as I can tell aren't coming back for a while. I think Felix must have moved house by now - lllama.dyndns.org doesn't even respond to pings - and gods only know what Merly The I Want To Remain Anonymous So Don't Post My Real Name is going to do with his page if it ever comes back... heh
- This is the site of the once mysterious "polly", who began to appear in #warwick about two weeks ago. After about a week she (and we were surprised to find that she was indeed a girl, heh, you never can tell on the internet) revealed enough about herself for me to be able to guess who she was and find her site (she was going out with someone who does physics and whose site, from which her own site had been linked recently, was on snafu) I asked her if she wanted her site to be tracked but I don't think she gave me an answer, oh well.
- Customisability. No I haven't yet made a customisable snafu for you, I'm just mentioning that a couple of people have asked for it or expressed interest in the idea. I could happily say "go make your own, I have a customisable snafu" but yeah.
final day of work
Anyway so last Tuesday week I did my extra day of work which was pretty successful. It was a different form, longer, so we were told that we should only be able to enter five per hour. Well I managed six and had time to 420 goof off on IRC every day, so I must be employee of the month or something for my ability to both work hard, and play hard. EVERYBODY DANCE NOW
pause for aqua cascade
Okay guys I'll finish this later I'm going to wash my hair now I've finished this cup of tea (15:40) ... (16:40) Damn that took like an hour, I'm so slow, and I can't remember what I was going to go on about. Hang on I have a diary here somewhere I'm sure I can find something in it that isn't moan whinge depressed cry blah...
oh no he's trying to give his music to people again
Oh yes. I've been recording soundcheck mp3s of snippets of my records and giving them to people on #warwick. I think it's gone pretty well. I'm recording off the Risc PC to avoid the A3010's comedy low pass filter, and postfiltering the sound through my stereo for bass seems to be working out well. In fact the problem is with the midrange which is too quiet:\ Anyway so as suspected the quality isn't premium but it's the best I can do.
On the 14th it'll be the tenth anniversary of the beginning of anARCHy tracks (i.e. the day I got my copy of DSym) and given the emphasis I place upon that sort of thing I think it would be fairly safe to say I'll have to do something to mark the occasion. Yes that means release stuff. Watch this space...
And for the inevitable trolls and flamers it's been suggested that I put up the original DSym files and say "look if you think you can do better, there's the source". I guess I could, heh. I wish I weren't so sensitive about my stuff.
the old bot bandwagon
Following the trend in #warwick I have recently begun redoing sisc, my stupid IRC bot. I still want it to have its original purpose of doing channel use statistics (remember, newsstats for IRC, heh) but for the most part I have been trying to get it to respond properly to CTCP PINGs and not flood itself off the server all the time. Net::IRC is stupid, why doesn't it queue its output like you'd think it should do? Not to mention so badly documented that my only recourse is to read its source code. For gods' sakes.
Credit where it is due: I looked at the code for a bunch of other ageing IRC bots for, let's say, inspiration; in particular relay-bot (like itsrbot in #warwick) and nickbot.
other crap not worthy of having its own heading
- Thank goodness for the SA forums. In times of trouble, they make me laugh. I posted in FYAD once or twice but have yet to turn into the goatse man, or worse, get banned.
- Furthermore much amusement has been derived from spamming the internal newsgroups again. But I don't think anyone else thinks my jokes are funny:(
- Trolling the rogue #warwick on Quakenet. For example, I tell people off for typing SMS text. You have a proper keyboard in front of you, there's no excuse for "c u 2moro"... On the other hand there are questions of hypocrisy raised. I mean I don't type perfect English, and especially not on IRC, where I rarely use punctuation or capitals, or care particularly about spelling mistakes. Not to mention all the "let's be a retard and type lololol" crap I like to do. My only defence is that I think it's funny and I'm taking the piss out of those who actually believe it's acceptable.
Actually it's apparently the case that it was only two or three months after we moved to Astrolink that the Quakenet channel started so I guess it's not as rogue as I thought, but I'm still going to call it that, because I'm a godawful bigot, heh - Thank goodness also for music. In particular, the drum and bass show from a couple of weeks ago, from which I decided to save about half a dozen records and they're all killers. And there's more to fetch out from this week's show.
- I think FDave's getting a motorbike today. Fear, on general principles. Maybe he'll get himself killed, heh.
- I don't know whose idea it was to put Angel on Channel Five so I have to rearrange my room to watch it on a bad black and white picture, but there you go.
- And finally, following Bex's decision to post the real name of my school (not Nob Hill) on aaw, this guy who I used to vaguely know from there has popped up and started posting. I'm really not sure I like this. See, I hoped to leave that place behind. I really can't be having with that bunch of high-flying motivated go-getters finding out how unsuccessful my life is, and inevitably having to justify it to them. The last thing I heard from someone I was very fond of was this huge long rant about being self-sufficient, but I was and still am too scared. It really hurt and we haven't contacted each other since (this was like 2 years ago) I hate that place and everything associated with it. I have a lot of nightmares and like half of them are set there even six years after I left. I wish it would just go away.