
That was an interesting weekend!

I should update my site more often.

But anyway, there's this little, um, arrangement, that I have with a, um, friend, and it seems to be running quite sweetly at the moment.

I feel it necessary to say something here because that's what it's for, you know? It's my bloody web diary :-)

However I'm not writing more for reasons of tact and diplomacy and stuff. There are people described as "not very happy" and I don't want to worsen that. If you know what I'm on about, you know, if you don't, ask me and I'll decide whether to tell you or not :-)


Yeah, it's my birthday next weekend. Must think of something to do. I've got a plan but will say more when I can confirm details.

I have a place in mind but I bet no-one'll want to go with me :-)