28/09/2002 @18:41:20 ^19:08:34

Fucking retarded moron fucking forgets to fucking post fucking link

Fuck. Guess what I fucking forgot? In all the excitement of actually fucking making a fucking announcement and fucking stupid font effects, I fucking forgot to fucking post the fucking link to the fucking page!!! Idiot.

Anyway here's the stuff on the page currently, I think it needs a few words of explanation.

This is pretty much exactly the same as the good old posted version, only it's on a web page and updates at 5am on Saturday (as opposed to getting posted at 10am)
The same as weekly, but updates every day at 5am
The same as weekly, but updates every hour. YES THAT'S RIGHT IT'S AN HOURLY STATS LIST. GET POSTING YOU FUCKERS!
Daily, accumulating Weekly
At the start of each week this resets then proceeds to accumulate posts daily. It's basically the "midweeks". The previous totals in brackets are from the current Weekly table.
Hourly, accumulating Daily
The equivalent of the midweeks for Daily. I'd call it the "middays" but it updates every hour, not just at noon

Oh yeah, I'll make some sort of source tarball in the near future. It should contain the old C code that makes the tables, a perl script that uses a module called Net::NNTP for fetching articles and updating stuff, and a copy of the webpage with the PHP in it that formats the tables and stuff.

Oh yeah. HERE'S THE PAGE before I fucking well forget to post it again! It's in the sidebar as well. Damnit my site needs reworking.