14/04/2002 @05:05:38 ^05:24:58
Should do update; really can't be arsed
Hi, it's 4am and I'm really, really annoyed for some reason. I don't know why. Some guesses:
- I'm too hot and my desk is so damn uncomfortable I can't concentrate
- I'm tired (but that's unlikely, I've gone nocturnal recently you know)
- I'm trying to write my real diary and I can't remember any of the damn things that happened today - one of those "loads of small shite that should be noted but I'll never remember them all" ones, not to mention my crappy pens and stuff that don't bloody work properly
- I've been typing all day and my fingers keep pressing the wrong keys - related to the I Can't Write thing above
- Writing an email to Sarah that turned into a whinge-fest didn't help. Please don't feel you should ring me again, I'm okay, honestly
- The thing on IRC about why I haven't installed Doom on my Linux box when I never said I would despite what Peter Oliver thought I'd said and I got all defensive again - why can't I deal with people? Why do I need to justify my decisions about what I install on my own damn computers? They're my computers I'll use them how I like!
- The fact that tomorrow is blatantly going to be a complete waste of a day again and I'll get nothing done because I'll wake up at noon as usual because of my stupid sleep patterns then have to wash my hair and wait hours for it to dry then watch Stargate or some shite and by then the day will be over and I'll have got nothing done. Again.
- Maybe even on Amy's posts page and in particular her large random posts directory I've only got like three entries despite my long and prolific posting career. No wonder I've all but given up on that stupid newsgroup. No, probably not, actually, I don't care, it's her page, she can archive what she likes.
I mean what's the point. I'd just not go to bed but I'm so uncomfortable sitting at this bloody desk I don't think I could stay here any more. I've got some more to say about that allegedly sexist thing from the other day but it will have to wait. Bye bye bye bye bye.